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Ben Ratliff

‘There’s Bo Diddley. Big hips, pointy shoes, glasses. A gap between his teeth, and a bow tie, in 1965.’


Peter Carey

‘You might think, who is this, and I might say, this is God, and what are you to do?’

Chasing Cars

Dave Reidy

‘I open the chair and angle it toward the shop. Then I sit and wait.’

The Encirclement

Tamas Dobozy

‘Teleki would gasp and sputter and grow red in the face and the audience would love it.’ Tamas Dobozy in Granta 107

Reality, Reality

Jackie Kay

‘Now that – that is bursting with flavour.’

The Rule of Tagame

Kenzaburō Ōe

‘Kogito was lying on the narrow army cot in his study, his ears enveloped in giant headphones, listening intently.’

Beginning, End | New Voices

Jessica Soffer

‘I walked behind you. You led the rallies. I lost my mother. You rubbed my back.’

Proximity People

Jonathan Lethem

‘People who unfriend their friends while friending their unfriends. People who do not acknowledge the person. Persons who are not personal.’

Two Tides

Eleanor Catton

‘The harbour at Mana was a converted mudflat, tightly elbowed and unlovely at any tide but high.’

In the Crossfire

Ha Jin

‘Meifen had never imagined that his life could be so fragile.’

American Subsidiary

William Pierce

‘He was typing up another proposal for robots that would replace human workers in an engine factory.’

Dragon Island | New Voices

Laura Fellowes

‘This is a wartime story. It is the spring of 1943 and Europe is burning; look down and see.’

Original Message

Austin Grossman

‘So tomorrow we might be on the same side. Unless you’re a triple agent, in which case we already were on the same side.’