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The Patchwork Dolls

Ysabelle Cheung

‘The last few years, everybody wanted the same eyes: domed like lemons, with precise, symmetrical lashes.’

A story by Ysabelle Cheung.

I Am the Word for God and Boy

Aidan Cottrell-Boyce

‘We are sitting in a cafe, on planet Earth, on the night before our wedding day.’

Fiction by Aidan Cottrell-Boyce.


Dizz Tate

‘There sat the joy of the shopping centre, what I thought of as its secret heart. A white rabbit.’

A short story by Dizz Tate.

Fault Lines

Jane Delury

‘My mother is only seventy, but she has the bones of a ninety-year-old, the marrow like lace.’

A story by Jane Delury.

Édouard’s Sixteen

Kevin Lambert

‘Laurence’s busy pre-mourning himself and his lover; he knows their thing’s got an end date, it’s not far off now.’

A story by Kevin Lambert, translated from the French by Jeffrey Zuckerman.

Where Life Lives On

Tess Gunty

An excerpt from Tess Gunty’s debut novel The Rabbit Hutch.


Rebecca Miller

‘She turned toward the voice and there he was, standing there, like Death.’

A short story by Rebecca Miller.

Scattered All Over the Earth

Yoko Tawada

‘You don’t understand. The country where I used to live is now gone.’

and the earth drank deep

Ntsika Kota

Ntsika Kota is the winner of the 2022 Commonwealth Short Story Prize for Africa.

The Last Diver on Earth

Sofia Mariah Ma

Winner of the 2022 Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for Asia.


Guadalupe Nettel

‘It is easy, when we are young, to have ideals and to live according to them.’

An excerpt from Guadalupe Nettel’s Still Born.


Ralf Webb

‘I sensed that as she listened she looked right through my skull and saw the cringing figure living there, the figure that keeps guard over all my secret strategies and disguises.’

New fiction from Ralf Webb.

A Hat for Lemer

Cecil Browne

Winner of the 2022 Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for Canada and Europe.

Dogs of Summer

Andrea Abreu

‘There was no one around that day, so we decided to put on our bikini tops for the first time.’

An extract from Andrea Abreu’s debut novel. Translated from the Spanish by Julia Sanches.