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Mark Slouka

‘It was in January, I think. That weekend, more than any other, the thought of her leaving seemed impossible.’


Katy Simpson Smith

‘I didn’t dream because I had no memories.’

The Fruit of My Woman

Han Kang

‘It was late May when I first saw the bruises on my wife’s body.’


Brian Evenson

‘It wasn’t that he didn’t have a name, only that he was having difficulty locating it.’


Diane Williams

‘An hour passed. Why not say twenty years?’


Guadalupe Nettel

‘This was the morning I discovered the anatomy of a hair.’ New fiction by Guadalupe Nettel, translated from the Spanish by Rahul Bery.

Sex Life

Daisy Hildyard

‘The sexual activity was dense and rapid everywhere that he was not.’

Five Parties

Ned Beauman

‘The second year, I noticed before anyone else that the Coelophysis was trying to escape.’

George and Elizabeth

Ben Marcus

‘She could see, or was starting to, that someone out there was seeing him, watching him.’

Lady Neptune

Ann Beattie

‘The word money popped up like a bit of the ocean’s detritus riding in on a wave, but her lips formed the words ‘Merry Christmas’.’

The Middle Ages: Approaching the Question of a Terminal Date

David Szalay

‘What is left? What is he to wrap himself in, now that everything has floated off into space?’

To the Ocean

Deb Olin Unferth

‘At the desk they said they encouraged guests not to walk, but she was determined’

Los Angeles

Ling Ma

‘My 100 ex-boyfriends and I hang out every day.’

Horror Story

Carmen Maria Machado

‘The strangeness fed our discontent.’