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Winnie and the Innocence of the World

Joost Zwagerman

‘This is how I became Winnie’s clandestine, outcast and utterly powerless guardian angel.’

The Good Citizens

Christy Edwall

‘In the black fog of her grief, Anna Kraft received an invitation.’

The Maenad

Eliza Robertson

‘She feels the wildness enter her and keeps her eyes shut.’ New fiction from Eliza Robertson.

The Inheritance

Amelia Gray

‘The bag was full of fresh dogshit. The note attached read For my children and theirs.’

The Threshold

Oliverio Coelho

‘In the not-too-distant future, all men would be on their feet, reduced to wearing out their soles on the streets.’

Sarandí Street

Silvina Ocampo

‘Around the kerosene lamp fell slow drops of dead butterflies.’

The Weak Spot

Sophie Mackintosh

‘There was a certain kind of teenage girl who would relish not just the killing, but the trophy taking, choosing a tooth and using the pliers herself.’

The Liar

James Tadd Adcox

‘I remember the first time I lied. It may be my earliest memory.’

Do Not Say We Have Nothing

Madeleine Thien

‘In a single year, my father left us twice.’

Body Language

Juhea Kim

‘Always being pulled in opposite directions was how she remained upright.’

Whatever Happened to Interracial Love?

Kathleen Collins

‘It’s the year of “the human being”. The year of race-creed-color blindness. It’s 1963.’


Emma Cline

‘Could a place work on you like an illness?’

Potted Meat

Steven Dunn

‘My cousin is an artist. He says, You draw some good knives but you still need to work on your stab wounds.’

Interior: Monkeyboy

Patrick Flanery

‘When I sleep, I dream of Will standing on our bed, flicking a whip against our faces. He draws blood.’