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Stratford Marsh

Esther Kinsky

‘Estuary English, the tongue of the river mouth, open vowels, clipped syllables that nonetheless spilled into one: I found it hard to listen to. The words snapped at my ears: malicious fish.’

Felix Culpa

Jeremy Gavron

‘This writer does not write among these men who are here because they have lost the plot, lost the thread of their own lives.’

Rachel Reaches Out

Ben Pester

‘She hit send and sighed as the email-whoosh came through her headphones. Theo was sitting at his desk less than six metres away.’

Hôtel Valencia Palace

Annie Perreault

Ce jour-là, comme chaque jour, des poissons avaient nagé au-dessus des têtes.

Valencia Palace Hotel

Annie Perreault

A story by Annie Perreault, translated from the French by Rhonda Mullins, for the online edition of Granta 141: Canada.

Le club

Louis Hamelin

Il fallait compter cinq heures de route pour arriver au club.

The Club

Louis Hamelin

It took five hours to reach the club.

In This Heart You Burn

D. W. Wilson

‘Years later, broken-chested beneath the axle of a Ford Mustang, he’ll dream back to a night on the shores of Mimeer Lake when he amphetamined through till dawn and cracked some asshat’s nose with his elbow and gave his virginity to Isabel Crease.’

Cold Mountain: Premières esquisses

Andrée A. Michaud

Ce qui s’est passé par la suite relève de la folie, folie des vents s’entredéchirant, folie de l’homme que ces vents avaient poussé chez moi.

Cold Mountain

Andrée A. Michaud

What came after was the stuff of madness, the madness of warring winds, the madness of the man these winds had delivered up to me.


Naben Ruthnum

‘We think of L’Auberge as more of a sanatorium than a rehab. Certainly not as a mental hospital.’ Fiction from Naben Ruthrum.

The Rememberer

Johanna Skibsrud

‘The history of human thought, she would sigh despairingly, was nothing more, after all, than an arduous dream.’


Alexander MacLeod

‘It is important to establish, before this begins, that I never thought of myself as an animal person.’

The Initials

Alex Leslie

‘There was no inquiry and no report either because we all have new names now.’