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Nadine at Forty

Hilary Mantel

‘Each day we re-enact, on ourselves, what was done to us.’

A short story by Hilary Mantel.

The Dreadful Mucamas

Lydia Davis

‘We do not believe they are sincerely trying to please us.’

Always the Same Snow and Always the Same Uncle

Herta Müller

‘Who knows: what I write I must eat, what I don’t write – eats me.’

A Man’s Life

Pajtim Statovci

‘I wished my family would die, my friends too, everybody I knew, because only that way could they never follow me wherever I went.’

My Enemy’s Cherry Tree

Wang Ting-Kuo

‘And the truth is, my heart was tied in knots, and pain bored into the marrow of my bones when I heard about his illness.’


Elvia Wilk

‘We’re trying to prove that it’s possible to live sustainably and not be such a freak about it.’

Our Agent At Dawn

Nina Ellis

‘After I kill him I’ll go to Graceland.’

Maid Marian

Lisa Taddeo

‘It had taken Noni many years to stop wishing she’d been a woman like that.’

A Mother’s Dilemma

Victor Lodato

‘I can hear the girl scratching a pencil inside a notebook. I don’t like it. I’ve asked her not to write about me.’

The Governesses

Anne Serre

‘For the governesses, moving in with Monsieur and Madame Austeur was like a homecoming.’

The Pine Islands

Marion Poschmann

‘Gilbert Silvester woke up distraught. Mathilda’s black hair lay spread out on the pillow next to him, tentacles of a malevolent pitch-black jellyfish.’


Jean-Baptiste Del Amo

An excerpt from Animalia by Jean-Baptiste Del Amo, translated from the French by Frank Wynne.

The Polyglot Lovers

Lina Wolff

‘When we were sixteen years old, I broke Johnny’s nose with the back of my hand.’

The Main Thing Is to Keep the Front Garden Immaculate

Simone Buchholz

An extract from Beton Rouge by Simone Buchholz, translated from the German by Rachel Ward.