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Milan Kundera | Interview

Milan Kundera & Ian McEwan

‘If you are a small nation, though, you do not make history. You are always the object of history.’ Ian McEwan interviews Milan Kundera in 1984.

Rhyme and Reason

Katha Pollitt & Adam Gopnik

‘I write for people who like poetry. The people who don’t like poetry are on their own.’

Rose Tremain | Interview

Rose Tremain & Ollie Brock

‘I think, on a desert island, what I’d really appreciate are long books: books as day-by-day companions, to combat loneliness and fear.’

S.J. Naudé and Ivan Vladislavić In Conversation

S.J. Naudé & Ivan Vladislavić

‘In rapidly transforming societies, writers may lose the space they’ve built their imaginative lives around.’

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o | Interview

Granta’s Deputy Editor Ellah Allfrey interviewed author Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o at New Beacon Books about his childhood in rural Kenya and his piece in the new Granta - an extract of upcoming memoir Dreams in a Time of War.

Jaime Karnes | Interview

Jaime Karnes & Ollie Brock

‘I began telling stories as a child – a way to guarantee invitation to sleepover parties.’

Nick Papadimitriou | Interview

Nick Papadimitriou & Ted Hodgkinson

‘I found that the torrent of inner voices I habitually heard began to organise itself in relation to the landscapes I passed through, the things I saw.’

Richard Ford | Interview

Tim Adams & Richard Ford

‘It may be that writing fiction, imagining agencies, is my most trusted way into the unseen.’

Erin McMillan | Interview

Erin McMillan & Roy Robins

‘The other important component of the why of writing is that I’ve always been a bit of a liar.’

David Guterson | Interview

David Guterson & John Freeman

‘Hubris, power, sex, ambition, frailty, pathos, descent, castigation: there but for the grace of gods go I, and as long as it isn’t me, great!’

Nicola Barker | Interview

Nicola Barker & Yuka Igarashi

‘I’ve always thought of myself as someone who writes outside of the dominant culture; an outsider looking in.’

John Freeman | Interview

John Freeman & Roy Robins

‘I think you know right away if a piece of writing is good. Does it move me? Does it have intensity? Is it beautiful?’

Carlos Yushimito and Santiago Roncagliolo In Conversation

Carlos Yushimito & Santiago Roncagliolo

‘We shouldn’t just study people through their archives, but also by being witness to their dreams.’

Al Alvarez | Interview

Al Alvarez & Ted Hodgkinson

‘I think anything is good for you that makes you laugh.’