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My Painter

Nicole Krauss

‘My painter caught me in a moment that is somehow rare and yet not uncharacteristic.’

Stones and Artichokes

Nicole Krauss

‘As we get older, the world grows to fit our fear of death.’

From the Left Bank of the Flu

Misumi Kubo

‘The big road looked to me like a river, the cars rushing by as if carried along on its current.’

Laikas I

Kathryn Kuitenbrouwer

‘Hilary hadn’t wanted to acknowledge A: herself as dog-lady; B: any problems re wolves or whatever.’

Cow and Company

Parashar Kulkarni

‘And now there were four of them stepping out to look for a cow.’ 2016 Commonwealth Short Story Prize overall winner.


Amitava Kumar

‘I was overcome by a feeling that took root then and has never left me, the feeling that in this land that was someone else’s country, I did not have a place to stand.’

Soul and Body

Milan Kundera

‘What was screaming in fact was the naive idealism of her love trying to banish all contradictions, banish the duality of the body and soul, banish perhaps even time.’

Prairie Dogs

Benjamin Kunkel

‘After making sure our guests all had the drinks and/or drugs they required, I put on a Sun Ra record.’

A short story by Benjamin Kunkel.


Hari Kunzru

‘Rich men have been building tall on this hill for centuries.’


Hari Kunzru

‘That smile. The start of all your problems.’

The Premonitions Man

Hanif Kureishi

‘The man died as Arnold predicted. It kept happening, and it was disconcerting, terrifying, like being possessed or going mad.’

A new story by Hanif Kureishi.

In a Blue Time

Hanif Kureishi

‘When the phone rings, who do you most want it to be?’

Something to Tell You

Hanif Kureishi

‘I’d have dumped her if it wouldn’t have caused more problems than it solved.’

The Umbrella

Hanif Kureishi

‘If there were a thousand umbrellas there I would not give you one.’