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Your Youth

Kelly Schirmann

‘I have never been in love / with so many variants of nothing.’


Javier Zamora

‘I will etch visas on toilet paper and throw them from a lighthouse.’

Enjaracon Sponaeda

Will Alexander

‘how can all the pressures of surveillance / fail to describe me?’

Heavily Redacted

Luiza Flynn-Goodlett

‘Syllables are excised by / X-Acto, fed into a shredder / for good measure.’


Jane Yeh

‘Her / Secrets play on continuous loop, // Like a B-movie.’

The Adventures of Amit Majmudar

Amit Majmudar

‘Never laid a snare for nothin. / Never caught a bullfrog. Broke / my slingshot wishbone, wishin. / Never had a smoke.’ New poetry from Amit Majmudar.

Two Calamities

Renee Gladman

‘Things were starting to line up: history was speaking, which hardly ever happened to me.’

Sundial Tone

Garrett Caples

‘light plays on the planet / long enough to tell time’

Three Poems

Sylvia Legris

‘Narcotic, / unworldly, a toxic doctrine / of undivine retribution.’

Three Poems

Jaan Kaplinski

‘Things didn’t remember their names and I have begun to forget them’

I’ll Come Later Tomorrow

J.V. Foix

‘all in black, her arms raised in the air, their shadow sketching some malign bird I couldn’t recognize’

Two Poems

Grzegorz Wróblewski

‘Do you think I can get to heaven / with zero balance and a virus?’

Three Poems

Ahren Warner

‘Your promise has been extracted like the cow-horned remains of molars long-soused in a Diet Coke marinade.’

Stripes on My Shirt Like Migratory Birds

Hoa Nguyen

‘ “I got lost in my life” / which may or may not be / misheard.’