Granta | The Home of New Writing



Katy Simpson Smith

‘I didn’t dream because I had no memories.’

Civilization Spurns the Leopard

Solmaz Sharif

‘To step out of my door and hope to see something like a life, something passably me.’


Brian Evenson

‘It wasn’t that he didn’t have a name, only that he was having difficulty locating it.’


Rachel Cusk

‘War is a narrative: it might almost be said to embody the narrative principle itself.’

Cow and Company

Parashar Kulkarni

‘And now there were four of them stepping out to look for a cow.’ 2016 Commonwealth Short Story Prize overall winner.

Cracking Up

Kevin Breathnach

‘It has been several weeks since I slept for more than an hour, and lately I’ve been feeling on the verge of cracking up.’

Crocodiles and Fairy Dust

Janice Galloway

‘I admit the sneaking feeling, just now and then, that those who govern us think we’re the problem.’


Tim Beckett

‘This was the collective trauma of a community discovering, very abruptly, they’d have to uproot their lives.’ Tim Beckett on the ruins of Uranium City.

Cry of Machines

Kao Kalia Yang

‘Time cannot erase my memories of fear and shame.’


Suzanne Brøgger

‘My habit of being a dreamer is filled with the joy of melancholy.’

Diary of a Gulag Prison Guard

Ivan Chistyakov

‘Freedom, even with hunger and cold, is still precious and irreplaceable.’


Jane Yeh

‘Her / Secrets play on continuous loop, // Like a B-movie.’

Do Not Say We Have Nothing

Madeleine Thien

‘In a single year, my father left us twice.’

Drama Lessons for Young Girls

Tara Bergin

‘So the young girls, / cast as naughty young girls from the Acropolis, / left – / just with some things missing.’