Granta | The Home of New Writing


Travels in Pornland

Andrea Stuart

‘I can easily recall my first brush with porn’

I’ll Come Later Tomorrow

J.V. Foix

‘all in black, her arms raised in the air, their shadow sketching some malign bird I couldn’t recognize’

The Liar

James Tadd Adcox

‘I remember the first time I lied. It may be my earliest memory.’

Brexit Win

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown

‘The poor hated the poor, natives hated outsiders, settled migrants hated new incomers, the North hated the South, non-Londoners hated London.’

Our Shining Castle

Julia Rochester

‘Europe, for me, meant family.’

Kettle Holes

Melissa Febos

‘They knelt at my feet. They crawled naked across gleaming wooden floors.’

Summer Reads


The Granta staff shares what they’re reading over the summer.

Do Not Say We Have Nothing

Madeleine Thien

‘In a single year, my father left us twice.’

Crocodiles and Fairy Dust

Janice Galloway

‘I admit the sneaking feeling, just now and then, that those who govern us think we’re the problem.’

The Politics of English Forgetfulness

Madeleine Bunting

‘Brexit demonstrates one of England’s most trusted strategies of power: deliberate forgetfulness.’

Five Things Right Now: Melissa Lee-Houghton

Melissa Lee-Houghton

‘It thrills and delights me that I can now watch concerts I would’ve given several fingers to go to in the ’90s, albeit wonky though these videos are.’

Body Language

Juhea Kim

‘Always being pulled in opposite directions was how she remained upright.’

Free will and Brexit

Julian Baggini

‘Whether or not you think 23 June was a great day for Britain and Europe, it was a very bad one for freedom.’

The Price of Freedom, Including VAT

Xiaolu Guo

‘I had lost my native country, now I was going to lose a continent.’