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The Last Thing We Need

Claire Vaye Watkins

‘I think there will be lightning tonight; the air has that feel.’


Claire Vaye Watkins

‘He had a mind to surf through all crises and shortages and conflicts past and present.’


Brad Watson

‘The mother told the boys that she was much unappreciated in this house.’

Tree Thieves

Josh Weil

‘The jungle was all stillness, time kept only by the markings of his breath.’

Once Was Dark

Josh Weil

‘When he opened his eyes, she was looking out at the rooster, the sun-blasted concrete, the railing thinned to brittle by the brightness.’

Future Shock

Kate Wheeler

‘Althea's neck strained. Her black, small eyes shifted swiftly, blinked, then fixed evilly on Ingrid.’

Skinned Alive

Edmund White

‘Once in a very great while he referred to me playfully as his ‘husband’, despite his revulsion against camp.’

Give it up for Billy

Edmund White

‘Were there moral cataracts that one could remove?’

Telling Him

Edmund White

‘The worst thing about knowing he was positive was that now he was under an obligation to tell his partners. Not that he informed the man he picked up in the park or the guy he lured over on the phone chatline.’

Down in Front

Colson Whitehead

‘This is the part where we find our seats. Step on toes, suck in gut, make yourself flat as a movie screen.’

Wild Failure

Zoe Whittall

‘They’re driving their failing relationship into the desert.’

Herself in Love

Marianne Wiggins

‘She thought, Love is a Revelation, like a religion, some religions; like Islam.’

Night of the Gnomes

J.R. Wilcock

‘The plan was quite simple: Güendolina would invite him into the bedroom and persuade him to make love to her until he was utterly exhausted.’


Elvia Wilk

‘We’re trying to prove that it’s possible to live sustainably and not be such a freak about it.’