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Hot-Air Balloons

Edwidge Danticat

‘We should all know that life and death are beyond our control.’

House of Flies

Claudia Durastanti

‘The disappointment only spread later, like an odorless gas seeping through the pipes, and the only complaints heard were from old people wandering around anxiously in the fog.’

Translated from the Italian by Elizabeth Harris.

How Great Thou Art

Graham Coster

‘At the very end we came upon him – others had seen him from time to time, and reported that he was still out there – and he was bigger even than we had expected.’

How Things End

Ann Beattie

‘As I began to flip through a literary magazine, I was stopped by a photograph of myself as a young girl, standing beside my college professor.’

How to Be a Revolutionary

CA Davids

‘How could anything be yours, intimately yours, and not belong to you at all?’

An excerpt from the new novel by CA Davids.


Robert Coover

Robert Coover envisions a Trumpian Hulk for a modern America.

Human Moments in World War III

Don DeLillo

‘Happiness is not a fact of this experience, at least not to the extent that one is bold enough to speak of it.’

Husband Number Five

Emily Adrian

‘I’ve been cruel to my mother all my life. Relentlessly hitting on her new boyfriend was barely remarkable.’

Fiction by Emily Adrian.

Hush . . . Hush Sweet Charlotte

Kazushige Abe

‘The crucial thing was to cool the baby off, bring the fever down.’

I Am the Word for God and Boy

Aidan Cottrell-Boyce

‘We are sitting in a cafe, on planet Earth, on the night before our wedding day.’

Fiction by Aidan Cottrell-Boyce.

I Cleaned the –

Kanya D’Almeida

Overall winner of the 2021 Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize, as well as winner for the region of Asia.

I watched a man kill himself

Louise Dean

‘Continuity is what we dread, not The End.’

I’ve Seen the Future, Baby; It Is Murder

Tara Isabella Burton

‘It was not very comfortable, but the appeal of it was that we did not like each other.’

If I Could Tell You | New Voices

Soumya Bhattacharya

‘How will you later remember these years in Calcutta, your years of first, rapid, change in a city that had changed so much?’