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Fat Time

Jeffery Renard Allen

‘Six feet of man, muscled up perfect, game to the heart.’ New fiction from Jeffery Renard Allen.

The Scream

Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida

‘That supremacist is the idea, in those brothers and sisters of mine, of shyness (which no one understands) being an encumbrance that they should purge as they try to find in their interaction with the world a perfect mixture of disdain, meekness and expansiveness.’


Molly Antopol

‘Maybe you heard about the sticks of dynamite he set along military rail routes, waiting for them to spark and explode.’ New flash fiction from Molly Antopol

The Secular World

Nadeem Aslam

‘There is no lack of talent in this country. All we lack is decent leaders.’ Pakistan’s secular world runs against fundamentalism in Nadeem Aslam’s latest novel, The Golden Legend.

The Martians Claim Canada

Margaret Atwood

‘Mushrooms have long memories. Some of them are thousands of years old. However, they are not always very talkative.’

4 3 2 1: Overture

Paul Auster

‘According to family legend, Ferguson’s grandfather departed on foot from his native city of Minsk with one hundred rubles sewn into the lining of his jacket’

An extract from 4 3 2 1 by Paul Auster.

A Wooden Taste Is the Word for Dam a Wooden Taste Is the Word for Dam a Wooden Taste Is the Word For

Jesse Ball

‘My friends, what I mean is, this life is shallow like a plate. It goes no further.’

On Stage


‘Where emotions are suppressed and actions monitored, acting only becomes ubiquitous, and so convincing that we even trick ourselves.’

The Farm

Nicola Barker

‘Yes. Oh yes. That is who we once were. The Young must never, ever allow themselves to ignore what has brought them here.’

The New Me

Halle Butler

‘But I feel sure. Making some decisions today, no doubt about that! Not thinking about certain things today, no doubt about that!’

Friend of My Youth

Amit Chaudhuri

‘You don’t plunge into growing up; it happens in spite of you.’

Los Angeles

Emma Cline

‘It was only November but holiday decorations were already starting to creep into the store displays.’


Joshua Cohen

‘There’s just no way, unassisted, to commit suicide. But then there’s no way to be just a human, isolated, stripped or just stripped of contexts – because even a cell must have a floor, a ceiling, walls.’

The Boat

John Connell

John Connell writes of a trial and a murder during the Irish War of Independence.