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What Burns

Julie Bouchard

‘Seven thousand forest fires are currently burning – fires which, under normal circumstances, would never even cross your mind.’

Fiction by Julie Bouchard, translated by Arielle Aaronson.

A River Then the Road

Pip Robertson

‘In good weather they went camping, meaning they slept in the station wagon with the seats down flat, in a car park at a forest or beach.’

Fiction by Pip Robertson.


Nikki Shaner-Bradford

‘We figured some facts might quell the speculation. It was our duty as friends to put her mind at ease.’

Fiction by Nikki Shaner-Bradford.


Gabriel Smith

‘There was a red patch, and what looked like a slightly raised piece of dead skin in the centre of my chest. Just to the right of where I assumed my heart was.’

An extract from Gabriel Smith’s novel Brat.

The Spread

Stacy Skolnik

‘It was the first teasing days of spring, the scent in the air a cross between death and cum.’

Fiction by Stacy Skolnik.


Derek Owusu

‘Between the boy and the fox there were no names.’

Fiction by Derek Owusu, in response to twenty-nine photographs from Magnum Photos.

Prairie Dogs

Benjamin Kunkel

‘After making sure our guests all had the drinks and/or drugs they required, I put on a Sun Ra record.’

A short story by Benjamin Kunkel.

Monkey Army

Eka Kurniawan

‘He did what people told him to do. He was a machine.’

A short story by Eka Kurniawan, translated by Annie Tucker.

The True Depth of a Cave

Rachel Kushner

‘When you live underground, among the things you discover is that you are not alone.’

Fiction by Rachel Kushner.

Nettle Tea

Camilla Grudova

‘“Love is a matter of yeast,” he said.’

A story by Camilla Grudova.

The Accursed Mountains

Christian Lorentzen

‘The heart was something that healed, but the best you could do with a broken tooth was to keep it in your pocket.’

Christian Lorentzen on tooth extraction.

The Darién Gap

Carlos Fonseca

‘He thinks of himself as a man who has learned to be white by living among white people, though all it takes is a look in the mirror to realize his error.’

Fiction by Carlos Fonseca, translated by Jessica Sequeira.

All Fours

Miranda July

‘We decided then to tell each other exactly how a typical fuck played out in our marriages. We couldn’t believe we’d never done this before.’

Fiction by Miranda July.

The Alternatives

Caoilinn Hughes

‘What does that mean, vegan cheese? asks a lady who’d had no query about amuse-bouche.’

An extract from The Alternatives by Caoilinn Hughes.