Granta | The Home of New Writing


Love in the Graveyards of Industry

Jeremy Seabrook

‘Love was no longer encoded in recognised behaviours, but became subject to private desires and idiosyncratic needs.’


Stefanie Seddon

‘The eel I saw was the one lying deep and quiet and alone in his coppery pool in the bush.’ 2016 Commonwealth Short Story Prize – regional winner for Europe and Canada.

I Used to Go for Long Walks in the Evenings

Stephen Sexton

‘My celebrity accumulated like a kidney stone: / children, pets, even some corvids recognised me’

The Butcher

Stephen Sexton

‘Outside deer are nowhere to be seen and inside / the radio spectrum fills up with sorrowful little packets of data.’

Civilization Spurns the Leopard

Solmaz Sharif

‘To step out of my door and hope to see something like a life, something passably me.’

Force Visibility

Solmaz Sharif

‘Full or empty / was impossible to see.’

Best Book of 1868: Dostoevsky’s The Idiot

Laurie Sheck

‘The beauty of The Idiot lies in its opposition to closed systems.’

On Shakespeare and Aemilia Lanyer

Sandra Simonds

‘I gently propose that for the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death we stop reading Shakespeare and shift our attention to the poems of Aemilia Lanyer’. Sandra Simonds on Shakespeare and Aemilia Lanyer.

Two Poems

Sandra Simonds

‘Police brutality makes me want to starve / myself to death and loneliness / is a drag’

Labyrinth of the Heart

Mark Slouka

‘Every marriage is forged differently; some crack at a touch, others endure beyond belief, still others are tempered by events and time.’


Mark Slouka

‘It was in January, I think. That weekend, more than any other, the thought of her leaving seemed impossible.’

Five Things Right Now: Katy Simpson Smith

Katy Simpson Smith

Katy Simpson Smith shares five things she’s reading, watching and thinking about right now.


Katy Simpson Smith

‘I didn’t dream because I had no memories.’


Cortis & Sonderegger

Cortis & Sonderegger make the premise that there is truth left in photography more doubtful than ever before.