Granta | The Home of New Writing


To the City

Tash Aw

‘He knew he had to find this faraway city.’


Paul Eggers

'Mr Thanh, originally of Saigon, conducted his camp-wide rat pogrom so thoroughly that the kids were reduced to throwing rocks at each other.'

Undoing the folded lie: Poetry after 9/11

Rachael Allen

‘The real feeling of a day that changed everything forever is boiled down so incessantly, and so often, to cliché.’

According to Your Will

Naomi Alderman

‘Thank you, God,’ said the boys, ‘for not making me a woman.’ ‘Thank you, God,’ said the girls, ‘for making me according to Your will.’

More Fat Girls in Des Moines

Bill Bryson

‘I didn't really expect my grandparents to be waiting for me at the gate, on account of them both having been dead for many years.’


Paul Auster

‘The method’s not important. The only thing that counts is that you go along with it – and that you understand why it has to be done.’

Fiction by Paul Auster.

The Bridge

Daniel Alarcón

‘There was no question we were underwater.’

Hang It Up

Anne Carson

‘hang up your blood cell phone mr white slaver’

Under Ice

Iain Banks

‘Andy runs out across the ice.‘

Two Poems

Eric Anderson

‘Wanting to get it all in, like / Xerxes tipping his army’s arrows / with saltpeter / so to ignite the Grecian sky.’


James Buchan

‘As many as thirty-five states in the world are thought to have the capacity (if not the wish) to build a nuclear weapon.’

Emma Bovary’s Eyes

Julian Barnes

‘Her eyes are black: passion and depth. Her eyes are green: wildness and jealousy. Her eyes are brown: reliability and ordinariness. Her eyes are violet: the novel is by Raymond Chandler.‘

Lovely Girls, Very Cheap

Decca Aitkenhead

‘A bar girl in Ko Samui is employed to attract customers. Almost every bar has at least one girl, and some of the larger bars have up to twenty’.

The Fig Tree and the Wasp

Brian Chikwava

‘The day I first saw the dance was the day we had expected to end with the execution of my maternal grandfather.’