Granta | The Home of New Writing


Rana Dasgupta | Is Travel Writing Dead?

Rana Dasgupta

‘This is a literature of checkpoints and fences, and the improvised gaps through which desperate people pass.’

Friend of My Youth

Amit Chaudhuri

‘You don’t plunge into growing up; it happens in spite of you.’

Tara Bergin | Is Travel Writing Dead?

Tara Bergin

‘If you laugh and tell me I am only speaking metaphorically, I will reply: what other way do you expect me to speak?’

Two Poems

Gary Barwin

‘it’s philosophy / coming from everyone at once // like a ballgown worn by the sky’

Portrayal: A Double Portrait

Edward Doegar

‘You can’t control your face / The Empire has over-reached / Expressions // Have become flags’

The Boat

John Connell

John Connell writes of a trial and a murder during the Irish War of Independence.

Three Poems

James Byrne

‘Another kind of people hobgoblins / the minds of little men.’

The Comrades and I

Mona Abouissa

Mona Abouissa on her experiences with Egyptian communists, and the role they played in Egypt before 1952, when they were excised from official history.

4 3 2 1: Overture

Paul Auster

‘According to family legend, Ferguson’s grandfather departed on foot from his native city of Minsk with one hundred rubles sewn into the lining of his jacket’

An extract from 4 3 2 1 by Paul Auster.

Two Poems

Anthony (Vahni) Capildeo

‘Fingers twirl / composite stems whose colour / twist rock-candies, snake-ladders / precious yellow, less-rare green.’