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Two Poems

Pascale Petit

‘His sheets smell of formalin. / She feels as if her insides // are outside her, in a freezer.’

Fourth Person Singular

Nuar Alsadir

‘The wet in the air is like signal anxiety: life is about to / change.’

The Remains of the Day

Emily Berry

‘I am lying in the foetal position on a beach in the east of England.’

Hymen Elegy

Safiya Sinclair

‘Dammed my wet scream around those verbs / for a violence.’

Nobody Represents Me

Zeyar Lynn

‘Do I have the heart to drink a glass of cool Coke?’

Two Poems

Gary Barwin

‘it’s philosophy / coming from everyone at once // like a ballgown worn by the sky’

Portrayal: A Double Portrait

Edward Doegar

‘You can’t control your face / The Empire has over-reached / Expressions // Have become flags’

Two Poems

Karen Solie

‘Profit / unites great distances, yet its heart / beats inside us’

The Passing of the Contemplative Life

D. Ptryrczwz

‘she was not among those / I’d expected I might meet’

Three Poems

James Byrne

‘Another kind of people hobgoblins / the minds of little men.’

Maureen N. McLane in Conversation

Maureen N. McLane & Rachael Allen

Granta’s poetry editor Rachael Allen talks to Maureen N. McLane about ecology, lyric authority, and balancing poetry with criticism.

Two Poems

Anthony (Vahni) Capildeo

‘Fingers twirl / composite stems whose colour / twist rock-candies, snake-ladders / precious yellow, less-rare green.’


Rae Armantrout

‘Music needs silence / more than silence needs music.’ New poetry by Rae Armantrout.


Feng Sun Chen

‘Every day, I see a monstrosity in the kissing hole.’