Granta | The Home of New Writing


The Assassin

Henk van Woerden

‘He stabbed the man in front of him yet again, three more times, before he was overpowered by the bystanders.’

Henk van Woerden on the assassination of the South African Prime Minister in 1966.


Richard Williams

‘The interim report filed by the investigator from the coroner's bureau listed him as a black male, 5ft 7in tall, weighing 1351b‘.

Granta Debate

Richard Watson

A panel discussion about the origins of the British jihad.

The Rise of the British Jihad

Richard Watson

Richard Watson on Islamic fundamentalism, British security services and the future of terrorism and counter-intelligence.

In Gikuyu, for Gikuyu, of Gikuyu

Binyavanga Wainaina

‘My first name, Binyavanga, has always been a sort of barometer of public mood.’

Something Close to Heaven

Evie Wyld

‘It was just past nine when the fuel ran out.’

Simon Willis | What I’m Reading

Simon Willis

‘Like an excitable child, I rushed to the foyer to buy my copy.’

The One True God, Allah

Richard Watson

‘This is the story of the British jihad.’

The House of Provisions

Lois Williams

‘A world of soft things stacked deeply.’

Tree Thieves

Josh Weil

‘The jungle was all stillness, time kept only by the markings of his breath.’

Wheels of Progress

Gemini Wahhaj

‘Now Bangladesh survives only on aid, on other people feeding its people.’

In The Tunnel

John Wray

‘It was a question of not thinking about what you were doing.’

Year of the Monkey

Fan Wu

‘I stood in front of the roller coaster, whose winding tracks looked like intestines in a demon's stomach.’