Granta | The Home of New Writing



Joshua Cohen

‘There’s just no way, unassisted, to commit suicide. But then there’s no way to be just a human, isolated, stripped or just stripped of contexts – because even a cell must have a floor, a ceiling, walls.’

The Boat

John Connell

John Connell writes of a trial and a murder during the Irish War of Independence.


Robert Coover

‘I am not now who or what I was when I wrote this. I change as you read. I am changing now.’ New fiction from Robert Coover.

Flash at Home

Robert Coover

‘Flash Gordon, home from the terrible emptiness of space, has to make up stories for fear of worldwide despair.’

The Canada Pictures

Douglas Coupland

‘In the year leading up to this I started collecting objects that, in some way, evoked a sense of Canadianness in me.’

After Ann Lauterbach

Emily Critchley

‘The piano eyes me / from its corner – / colluding with the past’

An Island Presence

Howard Cunnell

‘I can almost believe in the permanence of these warm days, this unchanging child whose hand fits mine. But I can feel the cold and the darkness coming.’

What is it that hurts?

France Daigle

‘Our visibility and our affirmation as a people is established through our language.’

Rana Dasgupta | Is Travel Writing Dead?

Rana Dasgupta

‘This is a literature of checkpoints and fences, and the improvised gaps through which desperate people pass.’

Notes on a Suicide

Rana Dasgupta

‘The problem was that, for the most part, it did not matter how widely broadcast your discontent was: no one cared.’

Rana Dasgupta on digital celebrity and a suicide in the banlieues of Paris.

Crossing Borders

Carys Davies

Carys Davies on how the settlement of the American West can help us understand Donald Trump’s nativism.

Prozac Culture

Brian Dillon

Brian Dillon on the Prozac craze of the 90s, and his experience taking the infamous antidepressant.

Portrayal: A Double Portrait

Edward Doegar

‘You can’t control your face / The Empire has over-reached / Expressions // Have become flags’

Mark Doten | Five Things Right Now

Mark Doten

‘Is there any doubt that Proust would have been obsessed with the Internet?’