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The Hare

Toby Litt

‘For some little while now I have been chasing a hare—buck or doe, I do not know.’


Toby Litt

‘I began to think, for no particular reason, about what the exact series of events would be were I to die at that moment – before, even, my coffee went cold.’

Letters from Wellfleet

Adam Lively

‘I promised you an account of the town's musical life.‘


Mario Vargas Llosa

‘I lost my left ear from a bite. . .Through the thin slit that remains I can hear the sounds of the world.’

Three Character Sketches

Mario Vargas Llosa

‘For Fataumata, and others like her, dying tragically is dying naturally.’

The Celt

Mario Vargas Llosa

‘He stood, rubbing his arms. How long had he slept? Not knowing the time was one of the torments of Pentonville.’

The Tenant

Victor Lodato

‘She’d gotten so used to her loneliness, she didn’t want to fall from it now.’

A Mother’s Dilemma

Victor Lodato

‘I can hear the girl scratching a pencil inside a notebook. I don’t like it. I’ve asked her not to write about me.’

Chanel Nº 5

Victor Lodato

‘The liquid tingled, a subtle electrification, as the scent changed, bloomed, became an extension of the boy himself.’

Our Private Estate

Dave Lordan

‘Dozens of votive candles held aloft by mourners in white suits in procession. So much white, as if death could be engulfed in it, as if death itself was not an all-engulfing whiteness.’

The Judgement of Lut

Tim Lott

‘The point is, in the tower, on that night, certain gods revealed themselves to one another and came into conflict.‘

The Separated

Tim Lott

‘It is a short January day, unseasonably warm. The afternoon is getting dark and it isn't yet four o'clock’.


Claire Luchette

‘We took turns tying tight the laces.’

New fiction by Claire Luchette.