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How Asians Spend the Night Before Dawn

Vera Yijun Zhou

‘At night her friends let loose and relax.’

Photography by Vera Yijun Zhou of house parties and clubs in Hangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing.

White Night

Feng Li

‘For more than twenty years, photographer Feng Li has been documenting the people and backdrops of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, and one of the fastest growing cities on earth.’

Photography by Feng Li, introduced by Granta.

Shot in the 1960s, Printed Yesterday

Haohui Liu

‘It is rare to see photos of Daqing from the 1960s that are not part of the official feting of the oil boom.’

Photography by Haoihui Liu, introduced by Granta.

The Civilian Level

Lie Jie & Zhang Jungang

‘Photographs, they feel, lie in wait for them.’

Photography by Li Jie and Zhang Jungang introduced by Granta.


Brea Souders & Alice Zoo

‘How would I feel if I had messaged for years with someone that I later found out was an AI?’

Brea Souders speaks to Alice Zoo about chatbots, interconnection and the dialogue between photography and text in her work.

New Kindness Hatching

Jesse Glazzard & Anthony Vahni Capildeo

‘The invisible artist who invites us to stand beside him is clearly among friends; being kind, being of a kind; witnessing with-ness.’

Jesse Glazzard photographs Camp Trans, with an introduction by Anthony Vahni Capildeo.

A Woman I Once Knew

Rosalind Fox Solomon & Lynne Tillman

‘These are not gentle, passive female bodies. They are strong women who strike poses that show aggression.’

Lynne Tillman introduces Rosalind Fox Solomon’s self-portraits.

The Weight of the Earth

Debmalya Ray Choudhuri & John-Baptiste Oduor

‘The presence of another person at the scene is suggested. The image invites you to imagine their position and to mentally assume it.’

Photography by Debmalya Ray Choudhuri, introduced by John-Baptiste Oduor.

It Is Decidedly So

Sara Baume

‘There is always a cat sitting on the kitchen windowsill, in the background of every ordinary and extraordinary event, a softly focused silhouette, a pair of piercing eyes.’

Sara Baume responds to twenty-nine photographs from Magnum Photos.

The One It Came All This Way For

Victoria Adukwei Bulley

‘all the furs & bright feathers won’t beat / the sunlight on my face like I’m the one it came / all this way for’

Victoria Adukwei Bulley writes four poems in response to twenty-eight photographs from Magnum Photos.


Derek Owusu

‘Between the boy and the fox there were no names.’

Fiction by Derek Owusu, in response to twenty-nine photographs from Magnum Photos.

Working the Soil and the Cloud

Danny Franzreb & Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

‘Like all money, Bitcoin is valuable only to the degree that people believe in its value.’

Photography by Danny Franzreb, introduced by Atossa Araxia Abrahamian.

The Last Freeminers of England

William Atkins & Tereza Červeňová

‘It is a principle of freemining that you leave nothing of value on site, nothing other than the mine itself, which is of value only to a freeminer.’

William Atkins visits the Forest of Dean, with photography by Tereza Červeňová.

Death by GPS

Salvatore Vitale

‘The old romantic warning not to trust a machine more than one’s own intuition has renewed urgency in the digital age.’

Photography by Salvatore Vitale, introduced by Granta.