Granta | The Home of New Writing



Lucy Wood

‘He was stamped darkly onto the wide stretch of sea like a single footprint.’


Ghassan Zaqtan

‘Nothing’s left to say between us / everything went / into the train that hid its whistle.’

After Ida

Elise Winn

‘The year I turned seventeen, the cicada chorus was deafening, as if they were impatient for the real beginning of summer and didn’t realize they were it.’

Self-Consciousness: Memoirs by John Updike

Edmund White

‘The freedom conferred by masks. Children and current wives cannot blame you for what your characters do and say.’

The Great Santa

Geoffrey Wolff

‘The Great Santa, like circumstance itself, blew hot and cold; He was all caprice, chance, crapshoot.’

King’s Girls

Lindsay Watson

‘The effeteness of a small number of King's students was fascinating to me at first, then repellent, and before long completely uninteresting. They dressed in peculiar clothes, talked in silly voices and appeared to me to be living caricatures of the human race. At times I longed for some familiar ordinariness and found it with boys from other colleges who introduced me to football and pool and pubs.’


Brad Watson

‘The mother told the boys that she was much unappreciated in this house.’

Brazil: A User’s Guide

Juan Pablo Villalobos

‘The Brazilian banking system was created by a Czech writer called Franz Kafka.’

Exit Strategy

Ivan Vladislavić

‘The corporate storyteller is having a bad day.’

The Coral Reef

Tran Vu

'"So, our last night of socialism," Dzung said as he squatted down beside me. I pulled two cigarettes out of my pocket and handed one to him, but didn't reply.'


Eudora Welty

‘There is no telling where I may apply, if you turn me down.’


Edmund White

‘Self-doubt, which is a cousin to self-hatred, became my constant companion.’

Cricket in Samoa

Gavin Young

‘Balls flew towards the beach or into dense jungle. Enthusiastic young fielders tumbled head over heels in the morning glories. Village elders, large, heavy-breasted, critical men, lay in the shade on cushions discussing the course of play like contented sea lions on their favourite rocks.’