Granta | The Home of New Writing


Notes on Craft

Celia Paul

‘A painting is like a letter: they both live in the constant present.’

Celia Paul on writing Letters to Gwen John.

Notes on Craft

Preti Taneja

‘Traditional hand-craft becomes literary practice; becomes critical theory.’

Preti Taneja on intertextuality.

Blue Room, Fake Blue Veins

Peter Scalpello

‘[left home rented a room / spinning with mould] it almost turned me / straight.’ A new poem by Peter Scalpello.

Lecture on Loneliness

Claire Schwartz

‘Only history makes her lonely, only after makes her first.’

A poem by Claire Schwartz.


Sigrid Rausing

‘I don’t think we have quite processed yet what those months of isolation did to us – a time of fear and daily death tolls and also of unprecedented curtailment of our freedom of movement. But there were consolations.’

Editor Sigrid Rausing introduces the issue.

Letter by Letter

Claire Schwartz

‘The Archivist carries his mind / into each house.’

Waiting Room

Will Rees

‘A patient must heave their entire body into their mouth.’

Will Rees in search of a diagnosis.

Three Poems

Jana Prikryl

‘I struggled to put this into words as strong as my conviction, so what advice could I give you I said’

Three poems by Jana Prikryl.

In a Jar

Morgan Talty

‘It was a glass jar filled with hair and corn and teeth. The teeth were white with a tint of yellow at the root.’

A story by Morgan Talty.

From Another World

Evelina Santangelo

An excerpt from the novel From Another World, translated from the Italian by Ruth Clarke.

Two Poems

Alycia Pirmohamed

‘I encounter the first woman / by encountering my own face in the river. / Two bodies alike, one drenched / in inheritance.’ Two poems by Alycia Pirmohamed

First Rites

Anna Della Subin

An excerpt from Anna Della Subin’s Accidental Gods.

Best Book of 2012: The Round House

Larissa Pham

‘Nine years after publication, Erdrich’s text still feels timely, even urgent.’

Larissa Pham’s best book of 2012.

Two Poems

Padraig Regan

‘Would / the apple be concerned / if I said it was not an apple’