Nadine Gordimer
Nadine Gordimer (1923-2014) was awarded the 1991 Nobel Prize for Literature. Her works include Get a Life, No Time Like the Present, and a collection of short stories, Beethoven Was One Sixteenth Black.
Nadine Gordimer on
The Online Edition
Beethoven Was One Sixteenth Black
Nadine Gordimer
‘Once there were blacks wanting to be white. Now there are whites wanting to be black.’
The Online Edition
Nadine Gordimer
‘I correct the spelling because I’m a lawyer and I’m accustomed to precision in language; in legal documents the displacement of a comma can change the intention expressed in a sentence and lead to new litigation.’
Issue 40
Nadine Gordimer
‘It was scarcely worth noticing at first; an out-of-work lying under one of the rare indigenous shrubs cultivated by the Botany Department on the campus.’
Issue 40
Some are Born to Sweet Delight
Nadine Gordimer
‘She stopped where she was; sourness was in her mouth and nose, oozing towards the foreign stranger, she mustn’t go a step nearer.’
Issue 40
The Ultimate Safari
Nadine Gordimer
‘We were in the war, too, but we were children, we were like our grandmother and grandfather, we didn’t have guns.’
Art & Photography
Issue 17
So Far
Nadine Gordimer & David Goldblatt
‘His photographs are a beginning, not a fixed moment.’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 17
The Essential Gesture: Writers and Responsilbility
Nadine Gordimer
‘Responsibility is what awaits outside the Eden of creativity.’
Issue 17
What Were You Dreaming?
Nadine Gordimer
‘And I'm careful what I say, I tell them about the blacks, how too many people spoil it for us, they robbing and killing, you can't blame white people.’
Issue 17
City of the Dead, City of the Living
Nadine Gordimer
‘While I'm ironing, he cleans the gun. I saw he needed another rag and I gave it to him.‘