Asa Yoneda
Asa Yoneda was born in Osaka and translates from Japanese. She currently lives in Bristol.
Asa Yoneda on
Essays & Memoir | The Online Edition
Commuting Through Coronavirus
Kikuko Tsumura
‘My friend and her colleagues are being told not to get infected. Infections among employees will affect the company’s reputation, and would be an inconvenience to clients.’
Fiction | The Online Edition
Why I Can No Longer Look at a Picnic Blanket Without Laughing
Yukiko Motoya
‘But the customer had already been in the changing room for three hours.’
In Conversation | Issue 127
Hiromi Kawakami | Podcast
Hiromi Kawakami, Anne Meadows & Asa Yoneda
‘Looking back, I never was aware of feeling that close to death, but actually if you think about it, just living every day there is a very small but definitely existing chance of death, whatever you're doing, wherever you are.’