City by the Sea | Kalpesh Lathigra | Granta

City by the Sea

Kalpesh Lathigra & Max Ferguson

Kalpesh Lathigra

Kalpesh Lathigra is a photographer who was born in London. In 2000 he was awarded a first prize in the arts section of World Press Photo. In 2003, he received the W. Eugene Smith grant and a Churchill Fellowship for a project documenting the lives of widows in India. His first book, Lost in the Wilderness, on the Lakota Sioux and Pine Ridge Reservation, was published in 2015.

Photograph © Kalpesh Lathiga

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Max Ferguson

Max Ferguson is a photographer, writer and curator from London. He is the Photo Editor of Granta magazine, the Founder of Oval Press and Splash & Grab Magazine, and a senior lecturer in photography at the London College of Communication. His debut book of photographs, Whistling for Owls, was published in 2022.

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