Granta | The Home of New Writing

Put Not Thy Trust In Chariots

The Brooklyn Follies

Paul Auster

‘I was looking for a quiet place to die.’

Osama’s War

Wendell Steavenson

‘He, of course, had nothing to be frightened of; if he died as a mujahid he was going to a paradise heaven.’


J. Robert Lennon

‘She lay there, her hand on her jeans in the place where she’d seen John’s head coming out of his mother.’

The Enduring General

Isabel Hilton

‘Dictators tend to fret about history.’

The Tailor of Gujarat

Amit Chaudhuri

‘He was desperate for the photograph to cease to exist: as if the man in the photo and he are competing for the same oxygen.’

When I Last Saw Him

Blake Morrison

‘When young, we were impatient with our parents: now we want to atone for our callowness, to take measure of them, to understand which parts of them live on in us.’


Patricia Hampl

‘Real travel wants to be dangerous, wants to smoke out the truth of the Other—providing of course you get out alive.’

Making an Elephant

Graham Swift

‘The death of a father is, in most cases, an inevitable passage of life.’

The French Lieutenant’s Diary

John Fowles

‘It was really just one visual idea: a woman standing at the end of the Cobb and staring mysteriously out to sea.’

The Best Picture He Ever Saw

Ian Jack

‘Always and everywhere, this unequal struggle to preserve and remember.’

Ian Jack recalls the missing buildings of his hometown, Farnworth.

The Enemy

Tessa Hadley

‘She relished the thought of his rather ravaged fifty-five-year-old and oh-so-male head against her broderie anglaise pillowcases.‘


Maarten ’t Hart

‘Only as I watched the little tugboat disappear towards IJmuiden, just west of Amsterdam, did I begin to have doubts about what had been proposed to me.’

The Handbag Studio

Thomas Keneally

‘In Los Angeles in late October of 1980, I was feeling the strange, malign electricity the Santa Ana winds bring to the city.’

In Lana Turner’s Bedroom

Gaby Wood

‘It was because it was night-time and raining that I decided to drive up to Lana Turner's old house in Beverly Hills.’

Two or Three Things I Dunno About Cassavetes

Jonathan Lethem

‘Writing about Cassavetes feels like vocalese: putting lyrics to passages of jazz improvisation.’

Little Durga

Shampa Banerjee

‘I groaned inwardly when anybody mentioned Pather Panchali and my small part in it.’

Two Years in the Dark

Andrew O’Hagan

‘There's no right or wrong about this, there's only style.’

Stay Up Late

Jim Lewis

‘She wanted to enjoy herself, she wanted to try, but she didn't know where to begin.’


Chris Petit

‘From an early age I stalked movies for clues to a life I didn't understand.’

Down in Front

Colson Whitehead

‘This is the part where we find our seats. Step on toes, suck in gut, make yourself flat as a movie screen.’

Quiet, Please

Adam Mars-Jones

‘Film music can be stained glass or wallpaper.’

Dr Gonad

Atom Egoyan

‘Few careers fascinate me more than that of Paul Thomas.’

Worried? Us?

Bill McKibben

‘Though we know that our culture has placed our own lives on a demonic fast-forward, we imagine that the earth must work on some other timescale.’

Midsummer in April

Maarten ’t Hart

‘A premonition of approaching calamity deepened in the course of March to an unease that drove me almost crazy.’

The Weather in Mongolia

Philip Marsden

‘In Mongolian lore, winter lasts precisely eighty-one days: nine periods of nine days’.

Rowing to Alaska

Wayne McLennan

‘I can't remember whose idea it was, whose heart first beat faster, who made the other excited, but at some point Doug and I decided to row a boat to Alaska.’

The Greenland Pump

Matthew Hart

‘In its currents the ocean is printing news about our future, and we must keep up on the latest bulletins.’

The Evidence of Man

Edward Burtynsky & Noah Richler

‘When I’m photographing something in the industrial landscape, I’m looking at whatever is that residual thing.’

Captain Scott’s Biscuit

Thomas Keneally

‘So the Ross Sea Novotel and McMurdo Sheraton could be built within this century. Children will gambol on the ice shelf where Scott exhaled his last, pained breath.’

Bone Litter

Marian Botsford Fraser

‘There is a tiny skull on a pillow of bright green moss, and arm and leg bones neatly crossed, as if they had just been gently placed there in mourning.’

Do Fish Feel Pain?

James Hamilton-Paterson

‘There will always be an unbridgeable conceptual gap between our unique species and the rest.’

Hot News

Mark Lynas

‘Very little of Tuvalu is much more than twenty inches above the Pacific and its coral bedrock is so porous that no amount of coastal protection can save it.’ Brief bulletins from the frontiers of climate change: Alaska, Australia, China, Tuvalu, the United States and Peru.

The First Punch

Jon McGregor

‘I’m on the ground, and he is standing over me. Everything is muffled. I’m aware of the sound of running water somewhere.’


Christopher de Bellaigue

‘As I observed the foreigners at the museum, who turned out mostly to be archaeologists, two American soldiers crossed towards the group.’

With the Invaders

James Meek

‘I wonder what George Bush had for dinner last night. His fork must have been clinking on the china just about the time when his marines were killing Omar's family.’

Twenty-Eight Days in Baghdad

Nuha al-Radi

‘Rumsfeld says everything is improving day by day. I suggest he come live here for a couple of days and then say that.’