Granta | The Home of New Writing

The Cuervo Brothers

Mao Comes to Sydney

Georgia Blain

‘After all, it was only politics, and I was too young to understand.’


Jeremy Seabrook

‘Separation has been, perhaps, the single biggest determining influence in my life.’


Claire Keegan

‘Don’t forget to write.’


Jim Shepard

‘Everything suggests an ongoing and immemorial enervation. A kind of trance in the air.’

Where is Thy Sting-a-Ling-a-Ling?

James Lasdun

‘The fire department didn't have a tall enough ladder to reach his body.’

On the Road Again: Introduction

Ian Jack

‘Switzerland absolutely fulfils our idea of the picturesque’

We Went to Saigon

Tia Wallman

‘I thought that this must be the sort of plane that crashes. What were a few more dead, travelling to the city of the dead?’

Bye-Bye Natalia

Michel Faber

‘Natalia picks at the frayed black lace of her dress while the photograph of her American penpal loads into the computer.’

Closing Time

Jeremy Treglown

‘The effect is brutal and frightening, and rightly so.’

How to Fly

John Burnside

‘I flew for the first time when I was nine years old.’

Cary Grant’s Suit

Todd McEwen

‘North by Northwest isn't a film about what happens to Cary Grant, it's about what happens to his suit.’


Tim Parks

‘It was explained to me that in Italy a formality is a sort of dormant volcano.’


Ann Beattie

‘It seemed impossible, but probably everyone marries thinking such a thing impossible.’

We Have No Minorities

George Bowater

‘The state can burn houses but it can't stop the rain, can't round up all the sheep. It isn't an easy place to control.’

The End of Travel

James Hamilton-Paterson

‘The more we flock to view the disappearing glaciers, the faster they will vanish.’


Tessa Hadley

‘One night forty years ago Helen Cerruti left her husband.’

Homage to Mount Desert Island

Mark Haworth-Booth

‘A cow was on the wrong side of the fence on Crooked Road on May 26.’

Introduction: God’s Own Countries

Ian Jack

‘The idea of God as creator and custodian died, and many words in the old vocabulary were robbed of their potency.’

A Prisoner of the Holy War

Wendell Steavenson

‘Thayr held out. He would not betray his country, he would not betray his leader.’

In the Clearing

Andrew Brown

‘I asked where the path was to the rapids. He looked at me as if all his suspicions had been confirmed.’

Planet of the Yids

Gary Shteyngart

‘“WE ARE JEWS.” I whispered his magical mantra’

The Lord in his Wisdom

Jackie Kay

‘I realize with a fresh horror that Jonathan is seeing me as the sin’

A Conversation with Orhan Pamuk

Maureen Freely

‘How do you hold your own in such a climate?’

Tales Out of School

Kees Beekmans

‘But it seems I’ve said something stupid again, and blasphemous to boot.’

Kiss Daddy!

John Borneman

‘The whole family giggles and I am standing there, holding his father’s hand, looking into his eyes, hesitating. Time seems to slow down.’


Kamran Nazeer

‘Over samosas and pakoras and three different kinds of green chilli chutney, she spoke to us about politics.’

Jesus Who?

Alison Smith

‘Jesus came walking across the lawn, a grin on his face. I waved. “Hi, Jesus.”’

St Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves

Karen Russell

‘Sister Josephine tasted like sweat and freckles. She smelled easy to kill.’

God and Me

John McGahern

‘I grew up in what was a theocracy in all but name.’

Nadeem Aslam | God and Me

Nadeem Aslam

‘I loved—and continue to love—the pages of certain copies of the Qur’an.’

A.L. Kennedy | God and Me

A.L. Kennedy

‘Faith: the greater it is, the more unsupported it must be’

God and Me

Geoff Dyer

‘All my religious experiences—if we can call them that—have been drug-related.’

God and Me

Pankaj Mishra

‘I was unfortunate to know a Christianity so tainted by colonialism and racial distrust.’

God and Me

Diana Athill

‘Perhaps it’s just that the human mind is incapable of imagining anything that doesn’t begin.’

God and Me

Blake Morrison

‘My hopes weren’t high, even to begin with, so I felt no bitterness when He didn’t reveal Himself’

God and Me

Richard Mabey

‘It’s always been like this for me with spirituality. I catch a whiff of the numinous, and it turns visceral in a moment.’