Capsule | Mateo García Elizondo | Granta


Mateo García Elizondo

Translated by Robin Myers

Mateo García Elizondo

Mateo García Elizondo (1987) was born in Mexico City. He wrote the film Desierto, and has written for magazines such as Nexos, as well as graphic novel scripts for Premier Comics and Entropy Magazine. His first novel, Una cita con la Lady, won the City of Barcelona Award.

Photograph © Andrea Belmont

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Translated by Robin Myers

Robin Myers is a Mexico City-based poet and translator. Recent book-length translations include The Restless Dead by Cristina Rivera Garza, Cars on Fire by Mónica Ramón Ríos and Animals at the End of the World by Gloria Susana Esquivel. She writes a monthly column on translation for Palette Poetry.

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