- A statue of Khmer guardian spirit Lokta Dambang Dek (Lord of the Iron Staff) stands outside the Khmer Rouge tribunal, in Phnom Penh. In legends, the spirit is an all-seeing and all-knowing witness, an administrator of justice.
- The main courtroom at the Khmer Rouge tribunal. The tribunal is also known as the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.
- Jacques Verges, attorney for Khmer Rouge defendant Khieu Samphan, followed by reporters at the tribunal. Verges is famous for defending notorious clients such as Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie and terrorist Ilich Ramirez Sanchez (‘Carlos the Jackal’).
- Pol Pot’s grave in Anlong Veng, near the Thai border. The site is maintained by the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism.
- The interior of the Anlong Veng house of Khmer Rouge military leader Ta Mok, nicknamed ‘the Butcher’ by international journalists. Today, the house is a makeshift tourist attraction.
This slideshow accompanies Elena Lesley’s dispatch from Anlong Veng, Cambodia. To read the caption of each photograph, drag your cursor down the top of the screen.