Foreword | Aurelio Major and Valerie Miles | Granta Magazine


Valerie Miles & Aurelio Major

Valerie Miles

Valerie Miles, an editor, writer and translator, co-founded Granta en Español in 2003. She established the NYRB Classics series in Spanish, curated the exhibition dedicated to Roberto Bolaño's archival papers and edited his posthumous work. She teaches translation and creative writing at the Pompeu Fabra University, has written for the New York Times, the New Yorker, El País and the Paris Review, and is the author of A Thousand Forests in One Acorn. She lives in Barcelona, Spain.

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Aurelio Major

Aurelio Major is a poet, translator and editor. He was editorial director of Octavio Paz’s publisher Editorial Vuelta, and of Tusquets Editores, among other publishers in Mexico and Barcelona, and is currently editorial consultant for several European publishing groups. He has edited in Spanish the works of Basil Bunting, George Oppen, and translated Eliot Weinberger and Susan Sontag. His edition, with an introduction, to Edmund Wilson’s Selected Critical Writings was published in 2008. He is co-founding editor, with Valerie Miles, of the Spanish edition of Granta magazine.

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