First published in Die Zeitgenössische Photographia in der Sowjetunion, Edition Stemmle, Schaffhausen.
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First published in Die Zeitgenössische Photographia in der Sowjetunion, Edition Stemmle, Schaffhausen.
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Yuri Ribchinsky was born in the Ukraine in 1935. He is currently embarked on a project of photographing Soviet village life.
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‘It’s more like painting. It’s not like a film.’
Wang Xiaoshuai on the evolution of Chinese cinema and the challenges faced by those working at the vanguard of independent film.
‘A cold star breeze, you pass through my eyelashes.’
A poem by Ekhmetjan Osman translated by Joshua L. Freeman.
‘I might walk endlessly’
A poem by Tahir Hamut Izgil, translated by Joshua L. Freeman.
‘My voice may grate your nerves again.’
A poem by Harryette Mullen.
Our ten most popular non-fiction posts from the year with writing by Katherine Rundell, Fatima Bhutto, Lindsey Hilsum and Jason Allen-Paisant.
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