Thoughts of a Storyteller on a Happy Ending | Gianni Celati | Granta Magazine

Thoughts of a Storyteller on a Happy Ending

Gianni Celati

Translated by Piers Spence

‘By inserting pages or just strips of paper at the points which needed changing he transformed their conclusion, to bring them always to a happy ending.’

Gianni Celati

Gianni Celati was born in Italy in 1937. A prolific wordsmith, in 2006, he won the Viareggio Prize for his novel Vite di pascolanti. He has also translated work by Jonathan Swift, Herman Melville and Roland Barthes.

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Translated by Piers Spence

Piers Spence is a translator of German. His works of translation include Georgio Pressburger’s The Law of White Spaces, and Hans Magnus Ezenberger’s Civil Wars.

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