The Color of Balloons | Dainerys Machado Vento | Granta

The Color of Balloons

Dainerys Machado Vento

Translated by Will Vanderhyden

Dainerys Machado Vento

Dainerys Machado Vento (1986) was born in Havana, Cuba, and is co-founder of the publisher Sualos/Swallows. She is the author of Las noventa Habanas. ‘The Color of Balloons’ is part of a new project, El álbum de las treintañeras.

Photograph courtesy of the author

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Translated by Will Vanderhyden

Will Vanderhyden is a freelance translator of Spanish and Latin American literature. He has received fellowships from the NEA and Lannan foundations. His translation of Rodrigo Fresán’s The Invented Part won the 2018 Best Translated Book Award for fiction.

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