Antonin Kratochvil took these photographs in the late seventies. The performers in ‘Sideshow’ toured America in the summer and spent the winter in Florida.
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Antonin Kratochvil took these photographs in the late seventies. The performers in ‘Sideshow’ toured America in the summer and spent the winter in Florida.
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Antonin Kratochvil lives in New York. A collection of his photographs of Eastern Europe, Work in Progress, was published in 1993.
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‘In the years before his stroke, just how many times had her father told a woman he loved her after dating for two or three weeks?’
Fiction by Elvira Navarro, translated by Christina MacSweeney.
‘They started out as fraternities, the cults. Poorer students wanted strong networks, like the ones boarding school pupils had already.’
Fiction by Toye Oladinni.
‘It’s more like painting. It’s not like a film.’
Wang Xiaoshuai on the evolution of Chinese cinema and the challenges faced by those working at the vanguard of independent film.
‘A cold star breeze, you pass through my eyelashes.’
A poem by Ekhmetjan Osman translated by Joshua L. Freeman.
‘I was constantly reading job ads, trying to find my holy grail – a job I could stand to do, and someone foolish enough to hire me.’
Sandra Newman on learning how to play professional blackjack.
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