Antonin Kratochvil took these photographs in the late seventies. The performers in ‘Sideshow’ toured America in the summer and spent the winter in Florida.
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Antonin Kratochvil took these photographs in the late seventies. The performers in ‘Sideshow’ toured America in the summer and spent the winter in Florida.
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Antonin Kratochvil lives in New York. A collection of his photographs of Eastern Europe, Work in Progress, was published in 1993.
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‘I might walk endlessly’
A poem by Tahir Hamut Izgil, translated by Joshua L. Freeman.
‘My voice may grate your nerves again.’
A poem by Harryette Mullen.
‘Your friends might never know you intimately. There are those that will know you intimately but never be your friend.’
Jia Pingwa on friendship.
‘I promise you, the committee only looks at two things: how feasible a proposal is, and what it could actually do for the environment.’
A bureaucrat and an entrepreneur discuss environment-saving proposals in a short play by Si’an Chen, translated by Jeremy Tiang.
‘On the doorstep, in the glare of the security lamp, was a thin, bearded man holding a black, breathless terrier.’
Fiction by Joe Stretch.
‘As he grew up he would drink, and likewise urinate, without embarrassment. Snacks, so long as they were light and informal, were liquids: casual and seemly.’
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