Robert Gluck | Granta

Robert Gluck

Robert Glück is a poet, fiction writer, editor, and potter.  In the late 70’s, he and Bruce Boone founded New Narrative, a literary movement of self-reflexive storytelling that combines essay, lyric, and autobiography in one work.  Glück is the author of the story collections, Elements and Denny Smith; the novels, Jack the Modernist, Margery Kempe, and About Ed; and a volume of collected essays, Communal Nude.  His books of poetry include La Fontaine with Bruce Boone, ReaderIn Commemoration of the Visit with Kathleen Fraser, and I, Boombox.  He made a film, Aliengnosis, with Dean Smith; an artist book, Parables, with Jose Angel Toirac and Meira Marrero Díaz; and he prefaced Between Life and Death, a book of paintings by Frank Moore.  With Camille Roy, Mary Berger and Gail Scott, he edited the anthology Biting the Error: Writers Explore Narrative.  Glück was co-director of Small Press Traffic and associate editor at Lapis Press.  He served as director of The Poetry Center at San Francisco State University, where he is an emeritus professor.  Glück is a potter as well as a writer, and he has shown his ceramics in the USA and in Europe, most recently at Treize Galerie in Paris.  He lives in San Francisco.