Rian Malan
Rian Malan was born into a prominent Afrikaner family and worked as a journalist until deciding to leave South Africa in 1977. His books include My Traitor’s Heart, an extract of which appeared in Granta 25 as ‘Murderer in the Family’.
Rian Malan on Granta.com
The Online Edition
Rian Malan
‘Some ten miles beyond the last white town, you cross the border between the First and Third Worlds, between white South Africa and black kwaZulu.‘
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
Murderer in the Family (Part Two)
Rian Malan
‘It's not just their skins that are white; their minds are white, too. They are generic whites with western values.’
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
Murderer in the Family
Rian Malan
‘'m just going to lay this all upon you and trust that you are a visionary reader, because the grand design, such as it is, is going to be very hard for you to see.’