The Answers | Granta

  • Published: 03/05/2018
  • ISBN: 9781783782185
  • 129x20mm
  • 304 pages

The Answers

Catherine Lacey

‘This summer’s Must-Read novela darkly funny, tartly feminist look at the tender state of our bodies and souls’ Vogue
An unsettling, whip-smart meditation on love’ Independent
‘A clever, gripping read… the dystopian take on dating that everyone will be reading this year’ Stylist
Mary is out of options. Estranged from her family, plagued by debt and beset by chronic pain, she signs up for ‘The Girlfriend Experiment’ – a mysterious project masterminded by a famous Hollywood actor, who, frustrated by his romantic and creative failure, hires a collection of women to fulfil the different roles of a relationship. Mary is to play the Emotional Girlfriend, alongside a Maternal Girlfriend, a Mundane Girlfriend, an Anger Girlfriend and, of course, an Intimacy Team. Each woman has her debts and her difficulties, her past loves and her secrets. As Mary and the actor are drawn ever closer together, the nature of the experiment changes, and the Girlfriends find themselves exposed to new perils, foremost among them, love.

This summer's Must-Read novel... a darkly funny, tartly feminist look at the tender state of our bodies and souls


An exciting and clever follow-up to her acclaimed debut... an unsettling, but whip-smart meditation on love


Cool, surgically beautiful ... there's no other novel like it out there


The Author

Catherine Lacey is the author of four books: Nobody Is Ever Missing, The Answers, Certain American States, Pew, and Biography of X. Her work has appeared in Harper’s, Vogue, the New York Times and elsewhere. She is a Granta Best of Young American Novelist, a Guggenheim Fellow and the winner of the 2021 New York Public Library’s Young Lions Fiction Award.

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