Certain American States | Granta

  • Published: 02/05/2019
  • ISBN: 9781783782215
  • 129x20mm
  • 208 pages

Certain American States

Catherine Lacey

Certain states are hard to shake, or so Catherine Lacey’s characters find in these twelve tales of love, loss and longing.

A grieving wife gives away the shirts her husband has left behind. A flirtatious widow takes a honeymooning couple to see her husband’s grave. A businessman working for a shadowy organization known as ‘The Company’, checks-in to a room in a strange and remarkable hotel.

With a spare but poetically concentrated style, Catherine Lacey vividly captures the addled, bombed-out, wryly fuzzy perspectives of her lost and drifting characters. These are stories of mystery and brooding, wintry beauty

Colin Barrett, author of, Young Skins

Lacey is playful and smart, one of a generation of American women who seem entirely unafraid

‘Best Summer Books’ selected by Anne Enright, Guardian

Profoundly playful and piercingly good... The prose is full of mathematical pleasures. You don't have to read them, but you really should

Anne Enright, Guardian

The Author

Catherine Lacey is the author of four books: Nobody Is Ever Missing, The Answers, Certain American States, Pew, and Biography of X. Her work has appeared in Harper’s, Vogue, the New York Times and elsewhere. She is a Granta Best of Young American Novelist, a Guggenheim Fellow and the winner of the 2021 New York Public Library’s Young Lions Fiction Award.

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