Curious Scotland | Granta

  • Published: 04/06/2015
  • ISBN: 9781783782468
  • Granta Books
  • 244 pages

Curious Scotland

George Rosie

The histories of nations are never as simple as their legends suggest. George Rosie has been driven by a powerful curiosity about the country he has lived in since he was an Edinburgh schoolboy fifty years ago. This lively mindset has established him as one of Scotland’s most inquiring writers and journalists, in print and on television. In Curious Scotland, he unearths and illuminates many neglected aspects of Scottish history in a rich collection of episodes that ranges from the Picts to the Indian tribes of North America. What became of the sons of Robert Burns? How did Scotland influence the Ku Klux Klan? Why was a Hebridean island deliberately infested with anthrax? The answers lie in a book which reveals the complexity, contradictions and sheer fascination of Scotland’s long and strange story.

Wonderful purgative for the cant and myth that surround Scottish history ... written with wit and economy, immaculately researched

Scotland on Sunday

Provides a wealth of evidence ... an enjoyable compendium


The Author

George Rosie is a reporter, writer and broadcaster. His documentary After Lockerbie won a BAFTA in 1998, and he has contributed to the Guardian, New Statesman, the Scotsman and the Herald, among others. He lives in Edinburgh and is working on his second novel.

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Essays & Memoir | The Online Edition

After Lockerbie

George Rosie

‘I’ve seen many images from the Lockerbie calamity since but none has stayed with me like the picture of Shannon’s pretty, smiling face.’