Portrait of My Father | Benjamin Anastas | Granta Magazine

Benjamin Anastas | Portrait of My Father

Benjamin Anastas

‘For years when I was growing up, I passed underneath this double-nude every time I climbed up or down the stairs in my father’s house.’

Benjamin Anastas

Benjamin Anastas is the author of two novels, An Underachiever’s Diary (2000) and The Faithful Narrative of a Pastor’s Disappearance (2002). His short fiction has been published in the Paris Review, the Yale Review and GQ, while his criticism and essays have appeared regularly in Bookforum, the New York Times Sunday Book Review and the New York Observer. As a journalist and travel writer, he has published in the New York Times Magazine, Men’s Vogue and T, the style magazine of the New York Times. He is at work on his next novel.

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