Michael Glenny
Michael Glenny was a lecturer in Russian studies and a translator of Russian literature. He achieved notoriety with his translation of Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita in 1967.
Michael Glenny on Granta.com
The Online Edition
Dry Run
Victoria Tokareva
‘My address book is overpopulated, like a communal apartment during the post-war housing shortage.’
The Online Edition
Centre of Gravity
Victoria Tokareva
‘For reasons I don’t want to go into, I decided to commit suicide.’
The Online Edition
Our Circle
Ludmilla Petrushevskaya
‘I am afraid that my memory is confused about these events, the final events of my life, by which I mean what happened before I started to go blind.’
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
Family Politics
Vladimir Rybakov
‘To this day, I do not know where my mother and father are buried.’
The Online Edition
Eddie Limonov
‘Usually taciturn and self-absorbed, on that day Eddie bombarded the teachers with witticisms and cheeky, caustic remarks, for which the French mistress, shaken, sent him out of the classroom.’