Lisa St Aubin de Terán
Lisa St Aubin de Terán was born in London in 1953, left England at the age of sixteen and, with her exiled Venezuelan husband, travelled extensively through Europe for two years before returning to his family home in the Andes. For seven years, she ran her husband’s sugar and avocado estate, the experiences of which form the background of her first novel, Keepers of the House, which won the Somerset Maugham Award. In 1983, she was voted one of Granta’s Best of Young British Novelists. Her other novels include The Slow Train to Milan (winner of the John Llewelyn Rhys Prize) and Otto. She has also published two memoirs, collections of short fiction and poetry.
Lisa St Aubin de Terán on
The Online Edition
The Five Of Us
Lisa St Aubin de Terán
‘The freezing of the money signalled the beginning of virtual penury. It also signalled the beginning of our fame.’
The Online Edition
Keepers Of The House
Lisa St Aubin de Terán
‘Lydia Sinclair was just seventeen when she arrived on her husband's estate in the Andes.’ Lisa St Aubin de Terán's fictional memoir.