Josh Weil
Josh Weil is the author of the novel The Great Glass Sea and the novella collection The New Valley, a New York Times Editors Choice book that won the Sue Kaufman Prize from The American Academy of Arts and Letters, the New Writers Award from the GLCA, and a ‘5 Under 35’ Award from the National Book Foundation. His writing has appeared in Granta, Esquire, Tin House, One Story, The Sun, and The New York Times. A recipient of fellowships from the Fulbright Foundation, MacDowell, Bread Loaf and Sewanee Writers’ Conferences, he has been Distinguished Visiting Writer at Bowling Green State University and Grisham Writer-in-Residence at the University of Mississippi. He lives in the northern part of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
Josh Weil on
Fiction | The Online Edition
Once Was Dark
Josh Weil
‘When he opened his eyes, she was looking out at the rooster, the sun-blasted concrete, the railing thinned to brittle by the brightness.’
Essays & Memoir | The Online Edition
One Ridge Over
Josh Weil
‘Some mornings I see him coming up through the mist. The grey shape of a long-haired man carrying a long-barreled gun amid the bare grey branches of the old apple trees.’
The Online Edition
Tree Thieves
Josh Weil
‘The jungle was all stillness, time kept only by the markings of his breath.’