In a powerful piece of investigation, Henk van Woerden reconstructs the strange, affecting history of...
This issue of Granta is dedicated to love, or more often the lack of it,...
How do we cope with the public and private disaster? Jasmina Tesanovic on being bombed...
This issue includes the original exposé, by Elena Lappin, of Binjamin Wilomirski’s bogus Holocaust memoir...
‘Let us commend to you the London Granta . . . with a fabulously impressive...
This issue contains the voices of a people who have suffered under (and coped with)...
What do they make of us, and how do they shape us? Paul Auster on...
Two parlous states receive intimate examination in this issue: the first is marriage, the second...
We would not be without the sea. Without the sea, no clouds, no rain, no...
This is an issue about untimely ends and fateful escapes. With: Ariel Dorfman on surviving...
What has happened to France – the universal nation, the tutor of the good life,...
The things we desire – love, money, wisdom, power – have not changed since the...
A 288-page issue to mark India’s 50th year of independence. Fiction by Anita Desai, Amit...
This issue freezes the frame on Britain before the 1997 election: a country that has...
What was it like to be that lost personality in a vanished time, a child?...
The twenty best American novelists under forty, chosen by Robert Stone, Anne Tyler, Tobias Wolff,...
Who makes it? Who owns it? Should we believe it? With Phillip Knightley on his...
Food as indulgence, certainly, but also food as a taboo, a cruelty, a desperate need,...
Big as in substantial, powerful, famous; men as in weak, wicked, and notorious. Gitta Sereny...
In 1985, Granta published James Fenton’s extraordinary account of the fall of Saigon. Twenty years...