Eye For An Eye: A Chronicle of Northern Ireland (Part One) | Nan Richardson and Gilles Peress | Granta Magazine

Eye For An Eye: A Chronicle of Northern Ireland (Part One)

Nan Richardson & Gilles Peress

Nan Richardson

Nan Richardson is a writer, editor and curator. Her piece 'An Eye for an Eye' appeared in issue 19.

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Gilles Peress

Gilles Peress's 'Compulsory Departures' depicts Muslim refugees fleeing Serbian troops in Banja Luka in Bosnia. The photographs were included in Farewell to Bosnia, published in 1994 by Scalo. They have also been included in an exhibition organized by the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington DC and the Fotomuseum  Winterhur in Switzerland  that is the second part of his ongoing project 'Hate Thy Brother': a cycle of documentary stories describing intolerance and the re-emergence of nationalism in post-war Europe. The project has been supported by the Fondation de France.

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