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What the Sky Sees

Jon McGregor

‘This place that I have grown up in is a landscape of straight lines, a field of vision dominated by the parallel and the perpendicular.’

Marek Marek

Olga Tokarczuk

‘It hurt for no particular reason, just as the sun rises each morning and the stars come out each night. ’

The Way You Do It

Rachel Cusk

‘He merely desired to unpick her from the snag of what seemed vaguely to him to be her femininity.’

The Little Plate of Childhood

Todd McEwen

‘I truly hate food, I said to Isidor. I just can’t take it any more. F*** food!’

Several Anecdotes About My Wife

Gary Shteyngart

‘Fully clothed, we looked like your average young Brooklyn couple, second-rate hipsters in retro garb’.

Give it up for Billy

Edmund White

‘Were there moral cataracts that one could remove?’


J.M. Coetzee

‘There are two, perhaps three places in the world where life can be lived at its fullest intensity’


Nik Cohn

‘He was light-skinned, almost honey-coloured. On the streets they called him Red.’

The Silence

Julian Barnes

‘Naturally the artist is misunderstood. That is normal, and after a while becomes familiar.’


Janice Galloway

‘She shifts, half in shadow. Whatever else, she's certainly a child. No one is with her.’

White Lies

Amit Chaudhuri

‘The guru looked discomfited, as if he’d been caught doing something inappropriate. At the same time, he looked somewhat triumphant.’


Ian McEwan

‘There were horrors enough, but it was the unexpected detail that threw him and afterwards would not let him go.’


Haruki Murakami

‘Everything had gone well for her until her father died of cancer. Everything—without exception.’

A short story by Haruki Murakami, translated by Jay Rubin.

This Side of the Oder

Judith Hermann

‘Time retreated, his dread crouched in the farthest recess of his mind.’